The first app of its kind. FUEL makes web3 gaming more fun and accessible. Our platform and game launcher consists of your favorite web3 games and an NFT marketplace to buy, sell and trade your best skins, game weapons and more! We’re reinventing game discovery and rewards, enabling gamers to easily play with each other and be rewarded for their time spent playing games.
Join the WaitlistApply to be a FUEL partner and getimmediate access into our incubator tosuccessfully develop and launch yourmobile game on FUEL's game app store. Weoffer you the development tools,mentorship, and support needed to makeyour vision a reality.
FUEL users get rewarded just for playingtheir favorite games on our store! Earn realmoney, participate in exclusive giveaways,and gain access to the leader board forprizes.
Generate revenue, forever. Games launched on FUEL can launch its assets as NFTs for selling on FUEL’s NFT marketplace. From your players favorite skins to rare weapons, all secondary market NFT sales hold a %royalty that goes directly back to the games creators.
In the paste few years, mobile games are taking over the gaming market. Through FUEL's mobile gaming App Store, we're committed to brining fun, easily accessible and extraordinary web3 games to players all around the world.
Reach out today and see how you can join our incubator program.
FUEL has everything you need